What are the different storage types for Qubes?

During Qube creation, you can pick from our different storage options currently available to be attached to the virtual machine.

Storage Disk Type
Local Storage Ceph backed with NVMe drives
NVMe SSD Storage Ceph backed with NVMe drives

What are the differences in these types of storage

Local Storage

Local storage is a directly attached volume that lives and dies with a Qube.

NVME SSD Storage

This storage class is MoonQube's block storage option. With Block storage, you receive a volume that is indirectly tied to the qube and can be attached to different qubes. You can also choose to delete a volume when the qube the volume is attached to is deleted.

With these volumes, you can also pick a different size than what is included by our default qube definitions. This can be handy if you need a lot of processing power, but don't need much storage.

When picking your volume size, you must pick a size that will accommodate your selected operating system. For most Linux operating systems, 20 GB is the minimum.

Storage Billing

There are two methods that you are billed for storage attached to a Qube.

Local Storage

When you order a Qube with local storage, the storage price is included in the qube pricing on our pricing page.

NVMe SSD Storage

When block storage volume is selected, the instance monthly pricing will be reduced by 20% and a separate billable item will be added to your monthly bill at our standard block storage pricing of $0.10/GB

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